Продукти за pcr домашен тест (2)

Dymax Dual-Cure 9014 - Стабилен при стайна температура капсулант с вторично втвърдяване от влага

Dymax Dual-Cure 9014 - Стабилен при стайна температура капсулант с вторично втвърдяване от влага

Dymax Dual-Cure 9014 encapsulant is formulated to cure primarily with UV light and includes a secondary moisture curing function for applications where shadow areas exist on printed circuit boards. Features: - Cures with UV/Visible light - Dual Cure secondary moisture cure capability - Fluoresces blue under black lights - Flexible
NanoTest PIC HD

NanoTest PIC HD

Reliable Opto-Electronic Characterization for DC and RF Values The opto-electronic test station NanoTest PIC HD complies with all requirements for the testing of high-density photonics integrated circuits, such as silicon photonics structures or active PICs. Probe cards with up to several hundreds of contacts provide the connection for DC and RF measurements.